Visalia Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Motorcycle riders face the very real threat of being seriously injured in an accident every time they take to the road. Car and truck drivers generally have a hard time tracking motorcycles. When they do manage to see motorcycles, they often fail to accurately assess how much space should be given to a motorcycle to ensure the safety of the rider. These issues create dangerous circumstances for motorcycle riders.

When accidents do occur, the injuries are often catastrophic for motorcycle riders. A rider has none of the protections people have in cars and trucks, such as seat belts, air bags and the body of the vehicle, to absorb the force of the impact. Motorcycle riders may suffer serious injuries such as:

We also assist those who have lost loved ones in fatal motorcycle accidents.

The severity of these injuries can mean an extended recovery and an extended period out of work. In order to be able to deal with the financial challenges medical bills and lost wages create, most people need assistance.

By pursuing the compensation you deserve from the person who caused your injuries, you can make it through the difficult times you are facing.

More Than 40 Years Of Combined Experience

At Nelson, Rozier, & Christenson, our firm understands how to build strong cases for injured motorcycle riders. We know most people are not riders and may not understand the risks motorcycle riders face because of careless drivers. Our strength in the courtroom allows us to clearly and persuasively illustrate why the other motorist was at fault, the extent of your injuries and what it is going to take to help you put your life back together.

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Serving Visalia And Throughout California’s Central Valley

When you have been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, Nelson, Rozier, & Christenson, can offer you the skilled and experienced help you need. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 559-713-0159 or contact us online.

We only collect attorney’s fees and costs if we secure compensation for you.


Find answers to some of the most often-asked questions regarding personal injury.

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100 Willow Plaza

Suite 401

Visalia, CA 93291

Phone: 559-713-0159

Fax: 559-713-0166