Visalia Distracted Driving Accident Attorneys

As cellphones become more and more a part of everyone’s life, many people make the mistake of believing that talking on or using a cellphone to text or scan the Internet while driving is a harmless activity. It is not. Numerous studies show that the use of a cellphone while driving creates very similar risks to those posed by drunk drivers. Texting and driving can cause rear-end collisions and a wide range of other types of accidents.

Distracted drivers are less safe than drivers who are not using cellphones in a wide range of key performance areas, including:

  • Failing to notice essential traffic signals (stoplights, stop signs, activated brake lights)
  • Following too closely to other cars
  • Braking more slowly and less forcefully

How Do You Prove Someone Was On Their Cellphone?

We pull phone records and gather other relevant evidence such as data from a car’s computer that can tell us car speed, position and other information to be able to prove that the driver who caused your accident was using a cellphone. We also work with accident reconstruction experts to help us show the other party’s negligence.

More Than 40 Years Of Combined Experience

At Nelson, Rozier, & Christenson, our firm is committed to helping our clients secure the compensation they need to be able to recover from the injuries they have suffered. We are skilled litigators with decades of combined personal injury experience holding drivers accountable for the harm they have caused. The law prohibits anyone from using a cellphone while driving. If someone caused an accident that injured you while he or she was on his or her phone, we can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

Distracted Driving Accident Attorneys Serving Visalia And Throughout California’s Central Valley

For the skilled and experienced help you need after being injured by a distracted driver, turn to Nelson, Rozier, & Christenson. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 559-713-0159 or contact us online.

We only collect attorney’s fees and costs if we secure compensation for you.


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100 Willow Plaza

Suite 401

Visalia, CA 93291

Phone: 559-713-0159

Fax: 559-713-0166