Visalia Burn & Fire Injury Attorneys

Burns are a horrific type of injury. The damage that can be done can have a lasting impact that causes pain, scarring and ongoing health issues for years to come or possibly the rest of that person’s life.

Being able to recover from a serious burn generally requires specialized health care. Issues, such as scarring, thinning of the skin and increased risk of infections, can make a return to normal health a challenge. Skin grafts and other special procedures can help a person on his or her path to recovery. Paying for that specialized care can be very difficult unless a person is compensated by the person who caused the burns.

Having a skilled and experienced personal injury attorney to help you pursue the compensation you deserve is the right first step.

Has Your Child Suffered A Serious Burn Injury?

When children are the victims of accidents that cause serious burns, the issues that need to be dealt with are somewhat different. Children are still growing. This can mean additional surgeries that a similarly injured adult may not have to undergo. Children are also developing emotionally. This means that scars may have an especially traumatic impact on their emotional well-being.

More Than 40 Years Of Combined Experience

At Nelson, Rozier, & Christenson, our firm understands the challenges burn victims are facing as they attempt to recover their health and put their lives back together. We have the skill and decades of combined personal injury experience necessary to be able to build strong cases that clearly illustrate the full impact your burn injuries have had on your life and what it is going to take to help you reclaim your life.

Burn Injuries Attorneys Serving Visalia And Throughout California’s Central Valley

Nelson, Rozier, & Christenson, offers highly effective legal representation to those who have suffered serious burns. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 559-713-0159 or contact us online.

We only collect attorney’s fees and costs if we secure compensation for you.


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100 Willow Plaza

Suite 401

Visalia, CA 93291

Phone: 559-713-0159

Fax: 559-713-0166